Estuary (Cassette)
¥2,000 税込
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魚になって、ぬるくゆったりとした河口から川を遡っていく。やがて流れは冷たく、山は険しくなり、いつしか意識は源流を飛び越えて星たちが輝く空へと向かう。世界4ヶ国から発売される2ndアルバム『For Damage』と、1stアルバム『梵楽』をつなぐ、即興音楽集団、野流の1.5枚目のアルバム『Estuary』。岡田拓郎、池田若菜(The Ratel)をはじめ、数多のミュージシャンが参加した即興演奏をもとに編まれた、スピリチュアルな音響作品。
Becoming a fish, we move up the river from its lukewarm, lazy mouth. Eventually, the current grows cold and the mountains steep, and before long, your consciousness skips over the headwaters to the sky where the stars shine brightly. Connecting the second album “For Damage,” released in four countries around the world, and the first album “Bongaku” is “Estuary,” the 1.5 album by the improvised music group Yaryu. This is a spiritual sound work woven from improvisations performed by Takuro Okada, Wakana Ikeda (The Ratel), and many other musicians.
Silky and serene chamber music-like acoustics spun by flute and alto saxophone, the sad exoticism of pure Japanese music brought about by the sound of the Koto, Hawaiian New Age reminiscent of a deserted beach, and passing through numerous sound fields along the riverbank, the torrent of psychedelics and spirituality continues onward.
The cassette version will include a DL code for this title.
¥2,000 税込